Monday, April 1, 2013


Dear Nathan,
*screams ily* Well first you mean the whole world to mehh :O I would choose you over gold (: Your are the best person in da whole wide world!!! Your, cute, nice, sweet, amazing, epic, intense :O, awesome, & more.. (: Your worth more the you think *pats head* We've been through our ups & downs but that cant hurt anything between us! ily.. All I think about is you all the time O_o that might sound cute & creepy at the same.. o_o I will have a photo below :OO It's an Epic & Intense photo o.o *scream in ear ily* idk what i'd do without probably sitting in a pit thinking what to do O.e You are the most best thing that has ever happened to mehhhh (true O_O) ilyyyy o: Well thats all I cant typre anymore im getting tired. Well Bye thanks for reading & seeing o.o Ilyyyy Nathan<3 & other (;  dont forget to listen to your heart :)

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